Your Insurance Broker


As car-owners or car-users you have undoubtedly heard people complaining about the price of the car insurance. However, the truth is that the price depends on you, your car, what insurance coverage you purchase and your choice of insurance company.
Speaking of YOUR CAR, there are two types of insurances, which you may purchase. These are:

Show details for ObligatoryObligatory
Hide details for Non obligatoryNon obligatory

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    This insurance protects YOUR CAR against damages such parking damages, fire, theft, self inflicted accidents, as well as damages deriving from road accidents with a third party. All expenses for refurbishing YOUR CAR will be covered from your insurance company, irrespective of the cause of the damage. All that is necessary is that you are a licensed driver of a technically sound vehicle.
    A few types of coverage of YOUR CAR exist, which are described further down:
      Show details for “Fire and Theft”“Fire and Theft”
      Show details for “Innocent Participant in Road Accidents”“Innocent Participant in Road Accidents”
      Hide details for “Full Coverage”“Full Coverage”
      Full coverage is undoubtedly the most expensive. Irrespective of this it is the most widely met type of vehicle insurance. The reason for this may be that the car-financing company requires such cover or that the owner is more secure with it.
      In short, as the name suggests, the full coverage of YOUR CAR insures you against any sort of happening, including guilty conduct and parking-lot damage. Having this cover it is irrelevant who is to blame for the accident causing the damage. Something more – if the guilty driver causing the damage of your car does not have the obligatory TPL, you may turn to your insurance company to cover the damage.
      Do not leave the talon and keys in your car;
      Check whether you have cover against deliberate fire in Bulgaria and abroad;
      Check whether you have the right for “trusted” or “official” repair shops in the events of damage;
      Check whether expenses for repatriation of the vehicle following accidents in Bulgaria and abroad are included;
      Add “assistance for technical problems"
      Bare in mind that upon total damage or theft of the vehicle you will not receive 100% of the value of YOUR CAR, but rather the actual price of the car at the date of the happening and in the event of total damage, the value of the preserved parts will be deducted.
      If YOUR CAR is above 10 years old it is better not to use this coverage. Reasonable coverage for you has been described above. If however, YOUR CAR is older than 25 years, it is considered “classical”. As such, these types of vehicles need to be insured in a special way.
    Show details for “Accidents to the Seats in a Vehicle”“Accidents to the Seats in a Vehicle”

The insurance of YOUR CAR provides your peace of mind. Prevent part of the daily dose of unpleasant surprises. Be secure always and any time without surprises.

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